About Us
Welcome to Kilmacthomas Health Centre, home to the family practice of Doctors Micheal Griffin, Sean McElduff and Ellen Hayes. Micheal and Sean have been providing care to the local community now for a combined total of 57 years!
We are delighted to have been joined in the last year by Ellen, who brings a whole new dimension of youth and feminine modernity to the practice.
We try to practice with an ethos of traditional personal medical care, with easy and prompt access to the doctor of your choice, giving every one the time they need, and based in rational and compassionate medical principles.
We try to practice with an ethos of traditional personal medical care, with easy and prompt access to the doctor of your choice.
Latest News
Repeat Prescriptions
Please allow 72 hours for repeat prescriptions.
Covid 19 - Autumn Boosters
The following groups are recommended by NIAC for an autumn COVI0-19 booster:
- Those aged 50 years and older
- Those aged 5-49 with immunocompromise associated with a suboptimal response to
vaccination - Those aged 5-49 with medical conditions associated with a higher risk of COVI0-19
hospitalisation, severe disease or death - Those aged 18-49 who, following discussion of their reasons with a health care provider (e.g., GP, pharmacist or vaccination centre), request vaccination.
- Health and care workers
In addition, the following groups remain eligible for COVID-19 vaccination throughout the year:
- Primary Courses for those aged 6 months and older
- First booster dose for people aged 18 years and over, or 12 years and over if
immunocompromised - Pregnant women in the appropriate stage of pregnancy and where the appropriate time since last dose of vaccine has elapsed
To check if you are eligible for a Autumn Covid-19 Booster, please click here
You need to be 120 days (four months) post Covid 19 infection or 120 days since your last Covid 19 booster if you are aged 50 years and over to receive this booster.
In line with updated NIAC recommendations, if you are aged 18 • 49 years of age and do not have an underlying medical condition and wish to receive a second booster vaccine, there needs to be at least a six month interval since your previous vaccine dose or Covid 19 infection.
FLU Vaccination
The following groups are eligible to receive flu vaccine without charge in 2023/24:
- Persons aged 65 and older
- All children aged 2-12 years at the time of vaccination
- Pregnant women (at any stage of pregnancy)
- Those ages 6 to 23 months and 13 to 64 years with a health condition that puts them at higher risk, please see
Private Flu Vaccines
Now available for Booking for patients who are not eligible for a free H5E Vaccine: Fee €30.00 Tel: 051 294300 to book
Nasal FLU Vaccination for children
FREE Nasal Flu vaccination for all children aged 2 to 12 are available. Please ring reception and book an appointment if required.
Contacting the surgery
Please be aware that our email address IS NOT monitored for clinical consultations, call backs or making appointments.
Appointments CANNOT be made by email request.
We understand that it is extremely difficult to get through but our telephone lines are manned at all stages during surgery hours. When you ring and get the answering message you are put in a queue (maximum two people in queue at any stage – if you get an engaged ring tone therefore two people are already in the queue waiting to be answered.). When you get through if you stay on the line your call will be answered in rotation. If you hang up before your call is answered then when you call back you may go back to the end of the queue each time. Please call the Surgery directly 051 294300.
An EMMERGENCY mobile phone number is ONLY available when stated by the answering machine message. Generally between the hours of 1-2 and 5-6 for emergency consultations. On occasions if the surgery is at capacity for appointments the emergency phone may be switched on at an earlier time.
Once again thank you for your patience in trying to contact the surgery.
Drs Hayes, McElduff & Norris.
Under the weather - common illnesses
A lot of everyday illnesses like colds, coughs, flu, earache and sore throats don’t need an antibiotic. Learn how to look after yourself and your family when you’re sick or have a high temperature. Find out what treatments are available besides antibiotics.
Take care of yourself and learn to treat common illnesses.
In addition to general consultations for all symptoms we provide...
Childhood Immunisations
Cervical smears as per Cervical check
Cryotherapy, freezing for warts verruca's skintags, seborrhoeic warts
ECG / Cardiograph recording, routine and symptomatic
Chronic Disease Management - Diabetes, COPD, Asthma, Hypertension, Heart Failure, Atrial Fibrillation
Antenatal Care from diagnosis of pregnancy to six week post natal check
Contraceptive Care
Minor Injuries
Minor Surgery
Joint Injections
24 hour Blood Pressure Monitoring
Smoking Cessation Advice
Travel Immunisations
Well Man Check
Well Woman Check
Kilmacthomas Health Centre providing care to the local community for a combined total of 57 years!
COVID 19 Information and Symptoms Check

Contact Us
Get in touch to make an appointment or for a general enquiry.
Our administration office will be happy to help you with any queries you may have or to arrange an appointment for you.